Which means for every lifeless card there are 1.45 Alive cards.ĭecent odds. I recommend publishing the suitable quantity and looking at the suitable boxes. The dead credit cards dont have a back because it has been my objective to printing unique things back right now there to maintain the reenactor occupied like as a short story, some trivia, an MoH quotation, or a Sudoku.

When youve ended up hit 2 situations (or you dont possess a injury credit card at all) then you are dead. If it states buddy aid then assist them to their feet, grab their gun for em, and watch their back as you bóth reenter the battle. I realize that that just provides all types of confusion to the blend, though. In my system if someone had aid station examined, but had a buddy with them, the medic could downgrade the card from aid place to medic therefore coming back them to fight immediately. In the second option the most you can perform can be some little groans, moans, or coughing. In the former situation you can scream your mind off for medic, maybe examine around a little bit, etc. Take note that because you produced a collection quantity for the weekend, the ratio for each battle is various.Įach knight gets one cards per fight to be placed in their first aid pouch. These credit cards dont tell you that you possess a fractured still left femur with a partly cut whatever.Ĭertainly your quantities may vary, but you would like to develop a collection quantity for the entire weekend break with a ratio of about 1.5 alive cards to every useless card. These game-based programs will provide higher-fidelity distributed training for medics and Soldiers.Its time we medics start getting a more active part in the reenactment aside from just portion to reuse people back into battle. The Army is also developing a new TC3 stand-alone game for first responders that will build the knowledge skills required to decide how to treat casualties properly in the context of effective fire and in secure locations. Enhanced with a future TC3 plugin, VBS3 soon will allow for realistic casualty treatment by first responders, which creates the drive for squad coordination and reinforces individual skills for effective casualty management. A day of classroom training is followed by a day with video game scenarios in which Soldiers are immersed as avatars in the Army's flagship gaming program, Virtual Battlespace 3, or VBS3, to conduct missions. Today's combat medic (68W) training uses similar devices in training and validation at the Army Medical Simulation Training Centers, but there are not enough training devices to reach every Soldier. Besides teaching the correct way to apply a tourniquet, the training device helps Soldiers learn how to properly treat other preventable causes of battlefield death by placing a chest decompression needle and opening an airway with a nasal tube.